

Have You Ever Asked, "What Is Hypnotherapy?"

Learn How To Use The Power Of Your Mind With An Expert In Albuquerque, NM

If you want to improve your life with an alternative method, you may be wondering, "What is hypnotherapy, and how can it help me?" This therapy involves putting you in a relaxed state where you can access your subconscious mind to solve issues. David B. Fisher Hypnotherapy in Albuquerque, NM can assist you with a wide range of problems, including anxiety and depression.

Contact me today to learn more about the benefits of hypnotherapy.

Success rate of Hypnotherapy: 93 percent

Psychoanalysis takes 600 sessions on average to bring about lasting change, while hypnotherapy can take only six. Research trials comparing psychoanalysis and hypnosis demonstrated that after 6 sessions of hypnotherapy 93 percent of participants had success.

In fact, a study analysis from 1970 found hypnosis to have a 93 percent success rate, with fewer sessions needed than both psychotherapy and behavioral therapy. “This led researchers to believe that, for changing habits, thought patterns, and behavior, hypnosis was the most effective method.” Kimberly Friedmutter says. June 28, 2019."

Get In Touch

Unconditional Love Meditation

What Can I Help You With?

Hypnotherapy has been known to have a positive impact on:






Sound Sleep


Weight Management


Smoking Cessation


Fears and Phobias




Substance Abuse/Addictions


Panic Attacks/Anxiety




Sexual Abuse/Trauma


Relationship Issues


Pain Management


Performance Goals

You'll notice the benefits of hypnotherapy after only a few sessions. Let me know if there's a specific issue you need help with. Call me today at (505) 463-7392 if you're still wondering "what is hypnotherapy?"

Affirmations for today:


I breathe, relax and let go.

I am powerful and I am loved.

I am powerful and I am loving.

I am powerful and I love it.

I love myself unconditionally.

I accept myself unconditionally.

I own my power.

I put myself first. 

I take my power back.

I set healthy boundaries.

I belong.

I am connected.

I am worthy.

I am a divine healer.

I heal myself now.

I am supported.

I am validated.

I have courage.

I have divine strength.

I am radiant light.

I am self-aware.

I take time out for myself.

I am aware of my limits. 

I am happy and healthy.

I practice mindfulness.

I rest and take good care of myself.

I do nourishing things for myself.

My immune system is strong and healthy.

My body is comfortable, loose and relaxed.

I love my body.

Thank you my body.

I let go and trust that all will be handled.

The universe supports me in all that I do. All is well.

I live with the attitude of gratitude.

I am divinely guided and protected.

I experience a divine healing.

I am that I am.

I am perfect just as I am.

I follow my higher divine presence.

I shine my magnificent light.

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